K. Jobe's Thoughts

First to last: human, man, cynical, sexual, emotional, minority, real. These are my thoughts just take a look.

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Location: Washington, District of columbia, United States

I am the manifestation of all your insecurities and imperfections. Try me and you will see not even I know the real me.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Auditions - Sorry, You Didn't Get the Part

As many of you know or will know or now know I have reached a point in my life where I have decided to re-evaluate myself and the relationships I have with others. A situation has arisen where I am off to see an old friend this weekend, in the hopes that we can re-establish a once strong friendship. I am doing this because I feel I, or law school, is largely to blame for the decline of the friendship. However, as I am preparing to see this person, I have called and bbm'd several times to ensure that they are 1 - hyped to see me, 2 - aware of the time to pick me up from the train, 3 - made some sort of general plans for us. Unfortunately, I have not received the answer to any of these, all I know is they are aware I am coming and I can stay with them. I was telling ym co-worker about how disconcerted this made me, and she said, "Well I am sure things will be fine once you get there. If not, then at the end of the trip tell them, 'Thanks for auditioning, but you didn't get the part. The role of close friend will have to go to someone else.'"

It was ingenious. I honestly do not know why I did not think of it myself. I am moving to a point in my life where it's time to be serious about the company I keep (yeah that means no more bed-hopping), and why should I not look at these connections as audtions. If I meet someone new, and we seem to connect and we go out and things seem to falter. "Hey, you have been great fun, but you did not get the part of my girlfriend...and you did not get the role as friend either. Sorry." Even as I re-evaluate old friendships it should serve as an audition to keep your role "Hey, we had so much fun back in college/high school. Let's not sour those memories with the frustration I feel when I try to hang with you now. There is some fresh new talent out there, and sorry we just don't feel like we connect with your character anymore." *shrug and walk away*

I guess this kind of boils down to the other blog about "skin-deep". Sometimes you need to re-evaluate who you are and who you want around you. Who is in it to win it, and who thinks they can hold on simply because they were there first. I am not special, and I damn sure am not better than anyone else. Since we are all equal why should I have to call people friends who are not working for the part. Why should I consider dating you or being in a relationship with you, if you are not giving yourself to the role. Before I talked to my co-worker I was confused and concerned, now I have a fresh perspective and look forward to it. I am off to see someone play the part they earned, and over the course of their performance I can decide whether they get to keep the part, or if we need to hold open auditions.


Blogger Unknown said...

nice one KJ...just started reading your blogs and I am enjoying your work...very proud of you...the writing genes seem to flow in this family...stay focused and keep up the good work....Love and blessings always!!

10:15 PM  

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