K. Jobe's Thoughts

First to last: human, man, cynical, sexual, emotional, minority, real. These are my thoughts just take a look.

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Location: Washington, District of columbia, United States

I am the manifestation of all your insecurities and imperfections. Try me and you will see not even I know the real me.

Monday, February 14, 2011

LoveFool -Single Awareness

Inspired and formulated as per my conversation with "the brethren". I have composed these simple need-to-know rules and/or suggestions when it comes to dating.We hope that in reading this you are able to build a successful relationship, and not read dating blog posts a year from today. No matter what remember these three things: there is someone for everyone unless you're fake, you cannot help who you like --feelings are natural let them happen, and spitters are quitters.

#1 Compatibility  does not equal longevity - You cannot count on a relationship to be wonderful based on your "paper" qualifications such as good job, good family, similar cultures. There is more to it then that. You both have to be willing to work at it, and want similar things.

#2 Take Your Time - Dating does not equal future. Stop sizing up every first date as your future wife or husband, everyone knows first impressions are lasting ones. At the same time you cannot get to know everything there is to know about someone in the first few dates. With that said there are certain topics you should stay away from in the first few dates: future (i.e. family and where is this going); politics, and religion. I know some of you feel like why not? These are deal-breaking topics. Incorrect, I say to you. They are topics they can create unnecessary conflict between people who are just getting to know each other. Truth be told when you actually get to know each other you either will not care about these things or they will natural fall into place.

#3 Bros before hoes, Chicks before dicks - This does not really need to be explained. Do not allow anybody you're interested damage a pre-existing friendship.

#4 Keep it Consistent - If you start off dating someone and you call her five times a day, then when you switch to once a day she will ask questions. She will believe you have changed, you are not as interested in her as you used to be, and you are falling back. And she will be right. Thus, do yourself a favor, and if you know you do not like to talk to your girlfriend more than twice a day, do not start off calling her five times a day. If you go out to dinner every Friday night, then do not stop after 3 months. Keep it consistent.

#5 Seek and Ye Shall Find - I, myself, am guilty of this. If you go searching through your loved ones' phone, email, twitter, facebook, diary, etc. then chances are you will find either what you are looking for or something that makes you suspicious. A lot of people cheat...a lot of people. What you have to decide is what you are willing to put up with. If everyone is telling you, your man is cheating on you then you should move on because he is disrespecting you to your face. However, if you go on his email weekly in the hopes of catching him, then that is shame on you not shame on him. If the person is making you happy chances are you won't be snooping around anyways, and as I said if you are it probably has more to do with you then them.

I hope you enjoyed these suggestions and sorry I am so late in posting this. Happy Single Awareness Day!


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